Friday, June 23, 2006

Design (critique)

Hey--so don't you have this "angel"?

And isn't she supposed to give you wisdom and stuff?

So--when you're all worried about life sucking, doesn't she, like...tell you it's all alright and shit?

Ah, yes, Dear Reader--She does, my Angel, explain it All...tho not always in comforting terms...but Laura quoted today from
Expecting Adam [buy this book NOW. if you already own it, buy another copy!] ...

the episode where Martha Beck's then-husband John has a nightmare that encapsulates all the suffering of everyone everywhere, "fire, avalanches, and earthquakes, of horrible accidents he could see coming but had no power to prevent." At a certain point in the dream, he feels an angelic Presence close to him, and begins to talk to the angel about the horror he's witnessing.

"It isn't so horrible," the being says to him, "It depends on what you want to see."

What John sees at that moment is a terrible collision between two passenger planes, "raining twisted metal and fire and broken bodies on the ground...But when John looked more closely, he could see that every piece of wreckage was being transformed as it hit the ground. All the debris was recombining, slowly growing into an airport. The people who had been killed in the collision were walking through the new buildings, boarding the new planes."

The angel continues, "You see, they are going places they never could have reached before. It's not so bad, really. It's just that you don't understand how it works."

I take the "it" here to refer to the infinite chaotic interplay of matter and consciousness--too big for any mind to map and too likely, in the eyes of the ego, to appear as tragedy. But the giant fractal of life and death and rebirth could just as likely be neutral, or comic, or Angel is as off-handed about "tragedy" as the one encountered by John, when she's not outright flippant about it. But She always guides me to some kind of wisdom (not all of it verbal/book learnin', but that's the only kind I can easily share here)...

Well, what's your angel's opinion on paying down a mortgage loan?

"It may seem the good schoolboy thing to do," she says, "but it will take nearly ten years for you to realize the difference. Those funds could be better applied to a trip to Paris."


  1. Interesting about that last part. Given that Paris and the fiscal restraint involved in paying down a mortgage both reside in this dimension, the question for me then becomes: which of those 2 choices will involve consequences that transform the individual, and in what relative way? The art and spirit of Paris argues for that option, though the fiscal consequences of greater debt would add the challenge of then transcending the money worries that result (and how that would affect any innocent bystanders). A learning experience either way.

  2. ya know--

    it's like you're--

    inside my head or something!!!!

    stop that! :)

    actually--if it doesn't pain you--stay there-- :)

    as you imply...L. is unpredictable, and it's true that one informal test of my Angel's reality is always that I never know what She's going to say next...

    I did a tarot reading about the paris trip and it was scarily accurate as to current situation/wishes...hmmm...

  3. Anonymous11:32 PM

    too bad the dream isn't true... that's not the way it happened at all...

    john beck

  4. well, I don't want to be a purveyor of thank you (if you are you)...

