Sunday, February 18, 2007

This is SO going on my iPod

scroll down, and up...tons of good stuff...I've listened to most of the Robert Anton Wilson's good. I was having a fairly intense email dialogue with Fiorenza this a.m. and it seemed like her and Wilson AND Laura were triple-teaming me! I would read something in F's email--on the mp3 Wilson would say the same thing a second later...I'd type a word of reply to F...Wilson would say the word I was typing...and it was all stuff Laura has been saying, to the effect that I am in the process of becoming someone new and while that's happening the old slimy tentacles of my past patterns will be trying their damndest to drag me down. so make sushi out of 'em...

Wilson wrote somewhere that maybe you don't know you're in the Illuminati until it's too late to get out...

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